Movable versatile domes that can be adapted to suit the community's needs. These areas were catered to break-out spaces, experimentation hubs and competition. A place where experts can collaborate with flat hierarchies.
Movable versatile domes that can be adapted to suit the community's needs. These areas were catered to break-out spaces, experimentation hubs and competition. A place where experts can collaborate with flat hierarchies.
Understanding the existing building through nodal exploration and pedestrian routes

Understanding the existing building through nodal exploration and pedestrian routes to locate primary nodes, flow patterns and areas of opportunity. 

Experimenting with new pedestrian routes to maximise the use of the building. This led to the first concept through zoning to allow for a conceptual system to be achieved.

The Living lab was split into 3 zones that align with the town councils' cultural strategy  "Our Big Plan - BOLD, CONFIDENT and PROUD." 
Each section works through rotating facilities assigned to the aim of the specific zone. The zone accomodates to each specific facility by being customisable according to its purpose.

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